12/16/2022 koko kaloyanides
charlotte , nc, usa
After just moving closer, I wished we had gotten to spend the time together like we planned. Rest easy my friend

12/17/2022 Roberta Biscan
Wilmington, MA, USA
I met Lisa a few years back when we worked together in a call center. Shortly after we learned that we shared a lot of mutual friends being the same age. I remember Lisa’s spunk and strength. She was always the gloating mom and loved her kids more than anything. I also remember the many cool Halloween costumes she came up with. She had a fun and outgoing personality!! My heartfelt condolences to her children, family, and friends. May she rest in peace.

12/18/2022 Nunzia, Marco e Alessandro
Modena, Emilia Romagna, Italia
Cara Lisa, ovunque tu sia il tuo ricordo rimarrà sempre nei nostri cuori. Ti vogliamo bene. I tuoi cugini R.I.P.

12/18/2022 gli zii Paolo e Rosa
Gaeta, Lazio, Italia
In questo tragico momento non esistono parole di conforto. Un abbraccio affettuoso a tutti; vi siamo vicini con il cuore. Rosa e Paolo

12/19/2022 Debbie and Wayne
Hanson, Massachusetts, United States
Anthony, Gina and family. Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. May you find peace in your hearts.



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