1/17/2021 Jean Wright Lively
Mashpee, MA, United States
Rest In Peace, Miss Zimmerman

1/17/2021 Andrew McRae
Wakefield, MA, USA
Doris was not only my 6th grade teacher, but also taught me piano for several years. She taught with both of my parents and I remember her keen sense of humor too. Several of my Lincoln School classmates in Wakefield were talking about her not too long ago. So sorry to hear of her passing.

1/18/2021 Gene Sullivan
Wakefield , MA, USA
I’m very sorry for your family’s loss. Doris was my teacher at the Lincoln School and left such lifelong nice memories for so many of us. She was spoken of often and warmly.

1/18/2021 Chereen Galvin Hogan
Saugus, MA, United States
I am so sorry to learn about your family's loss of Doris. She was a mentor to me during my beginning years as a new teacher at the Lincoln School in Wakefield. Doris was very patient and kind to a beginning teacher with many questions.

1/20/2021 cindy perillo
Kenenbunk, ME, York
I am so sorry for your loss. I worked with Doris for many years in special Ed. She was an amazing woman. She had such insight into the children and compassion and always did what way best for the child. I will remember her with fondness.

1/30/2021 Ashley Griffin Dalidowitz
Duxbury, MA, United States
Doris was my piano teacher, choir director, organist, and Director of Religious Ed at Sacred Heart Church. She lived her vocations to their fullest, generously sharing her gifts and passions. She was a very important person in my life and in the lives of so many children whose lives she touched. Doris was a source of stability and comfort especially during difficult times. Sometimes piano lessons would just become a place to talk and feel safe. Doris will forever have a special place in my heart. I will keep her in my prayers always. May she rest On Eagle’s Wings.



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