5/15/2020 Anthony Belloli
Townsend, Massachusetts , USA
Jim was a great guy to work with! He always had a joke and smile to make my day! My condolences to his family.

5/19/2020 Taleen Gleeson
Lexington, MA, United States
I worked with Jim at the Museum of Science when he was a volunteer in the ComputerPlace exhibit. It was always such a treat to work with Jim. Jim was such a genuine, smart, easy going, hilarious, and kind man. He always made everyone smile and laugh. I loved chatting with him about anything and everything. Jim was so engaging with the museum visitors, guiding them through the robotics and computer science activities, like the Mars rover one. I learned a lot from Jim, and I'm lucky to have worked with him. He clearly has such a loving family because he was always talking about them, and showing me photos on his phone. Not only has Jim touched my heart and those of our museum colleagues, but also thousands of museum visitors. I'm so sorry for the loss of both Jim and his wife Jean. Sending love to Jim and Jean's family and friends.



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