5/11/2020 morena ciamMbra
winthrop, MA, US
We were so sorry to hear of Paulina's passing. It is so difficult especially at this time since we are unable to be together to offer some comfort. We are thinking of all of you and praying that you will find some peace in the wonderful memories of the good times that we shared. Sending much love to all. xxxooo Morena

5/12/2020 Oscar Beninati
Salisbury, MA, USA
Hi Paula and Adriana, It is sad to hear about Paulina passing. She was such an active and outgoing person. I remember being with the family and hearing her laughing with everyone that she came in contact with. The last time I saw her she was not sure who I was but knew I was a relative and still made the effort to be pleasant and made me feel like she understood we are all family. She will be missed. Oscar



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