Dockray & Thomas Funeral Home, Canton, MA 02021


4/14/2023 Maribeth McCabe
Canton, MA, USA
Bill was a wonderful man with a heart of gold. May he rest now in God’s loving arms.

4/15/2023 Arthur Sturgis
Bluffton, SC, United States
I have been close to Skippy and his family my entire life. He was always my "big brother" when we were together at our homes or away at school. He and I lived different lives, but we were always close together in our hearts. I could talk with Skip about anything and know that I would get an honest answer from him. I want people to know how much in high esteem I held Skip for his entire life. He was a good and honest soul and I know that I will have a chance to meet him again and tell him how much I loved him. Chum. `Chum´ Sturgis

4/17/2023 Arthur Sturgis
, S Carolina,
I have been close to Skippy and his family my entire life. He was always my "big brother" when we were together at our homes or away at school. He and I lived different lives, but we were always close together in our hearts. I could talk with Skip about anything and know that I would get an honest answer from him. I want people to know how much in high esteem I held Skip for his entire life. He was a good and honest soul and I know that I will have a chance to meet him again and tell him how much I loved him. Chum. `Chum´ Sturgis April 14, 2023

4/19/2023 Jennifer Hutchinson
Canton, Ma, USA
Mr. McKendall was the greatest, my thoughts are with his family. It is re-assuring to know that both parents are together.



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