2/16/2021 Evelyn Correa
Dorchester, MA, United States
Dear Emily and family, My Thoughts and Prayers are with you, your brother and your dad during this very difficult time. We know that Aura was a very speacial person, respected and loved by many. Her devotion of helping others and being there for everyone that needed prayer, friendship or just someone to listen. Aura gained her Angel wings a long time ago. May she be resting in eternal peace and give all of you the strength to get through this. Descanse en Paz Aura

2/16/2021 Celina Gutiérrez Muñoz
Managua, Pensamientos, Nicaragua
Pasión en su profesión y en su servicio ministerial supistes transmitir el amor que recibistes de Dios con todos los pacientes que atendistes.Me enseñastes que para vivir y transmitir a Dios tengo que aprender a amar,perdonar y dejar atrás el orgullo y aun en los momentos dificiles no tener miedo al decir Señor hagase su Santa voluntad. Hasta el cielo no paramos Nos volveremos a reencontros todos tus hijos contigo y con mi madre. Te amo mi guerrera #2.

2/17/2021 Humu
, ,
Meet Aura about 20 years ago when we took CNA class together and we both started working at BMC same time and same department. Aura used to give me ride home from school and bring me some food. Aura was such a great woman. May her soul rest in perfect peace.



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