3/5/2019 Maureen Curley
Bellmore, NY, USA
Thank you for introducing me to the wonderful church music you so passionately taught us. One of my fondest memories of my St. Barnabas School day’s.

3/5/2019 Tara Hutter Irving
Bellmore, NY, Usa
What a wonderful kind giving woman and teacher. She always believed in us. I have some of the fondest memories of sister Ann and our long talks in the library

3/5/2019 James Mullane
[email protected], NY, US
Peace to a true servant of the Lord and his people. Thank you for sharing your vocal gifts and love of music. And for teaching us to be one in the Spirit. Pax te cum

3/5/2019 Ieronimo family
Bellmore, NY,
Sister Ann McKeon was our teacher at St. Barnabas, she was a loving, caring, funny, kind teacher who always made us feel important and necessary. Rest easy, kind lady, rest easy and bless you for all you gave to so many who were privileged to call you Sister Ann.

3/6/2019 Joseph Cox
League City , TX, USA
The coolest nun ever and a great teacher.

2/4/2020 Don Turner
, ,
Great Nun, Teacher and Lady. The Turner Family benefited for knowing her and having her our as our teacher. Rest in Peace Sister.

7/27/2022 Brian
Canton , MA, USA
Aunty Ann (orphan) we had the best times in



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