2/26/2019 Doe DeBruce
Kansas City, MO,
It is such a difficult time when one loses a parent, but Dee was more than just a parent, she was a grandmother, friend, wife, companion that just brighten up the world. My dear Dee, thank you for the memories and making me feel like part of the family. God bless your family through this hard time. I love you all! RIP Dee.

3/1/2019 Maryann Michalik
Roslindale, Ma, USA
Dee was the only person I ever met in life that I can honestly say if someone didn't like her when they met her there was something wrong with them. She was funny as hell. I also knew the serious side of her. When you first met her you felt like you knew her all your life. She listened, she talked, she laughed and she cried with you. She bragged about all her children and grandchildren wherever she was. Then there was the love of her life Billy. I am glad to have been able to call her my friend. Love you Dee, Maryann



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