1/24/2015 Karen (Bedell) Tasnady
Mill Creek, Wa, USA
Sending condolences to all of Billy's family . I remember Billy when we were young and he hung out at Bessie's on Edgar Ave. Then later in life he married a very good friend (Donna)and started his family. Memories last forever and are so very precious. God Bless you all ....

1/25/2015 kristy perry
melrose, ma, United States
Donna, Kristen, Jayme, Lauren, Rich and Jordan, I am so very sorry for your loss. Lots of memories of your dad (billy) growing up and am so saddened by his passing. Keeping you all in my prayers. Love you! Kristy, Frank, Jillian & Madison xoxoxoxoxo Kristen, I am always here for you and my little princess.. xoxoxox

1/25/2015 Jayme McDonough
Everett, Ma, United States
@ Kristy Perry thank you so much for those kind words youre family has always been family to us love to mom dad matt and johnny as well..

1/26/2015 Vicki Higgins
Myrtle Beach, SC, United States
Dear Tina and family, We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers?!

1/26/2015 Kristina
, ,
I am truly sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in warm memories and coming promises. (Revelation 21:4)

1/26/2015 Henry McGowan
Peabody, MA,
I remember he was one of the best pool players in Maine Corps history. We had great fun together. The original hustler. I'm so sorry for your loss.



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