7/5/2016 Judy Pacheco
Swansea, MA, United States
My thoughts and prayers are with all your loved ones. Carlos I wish I could help take away the sadness Raquel feels each and every day and even though I can not I do promise that how I am or what I do can help keep a smile on her face so when she returns home to your baby girl Eliana that happiness is surrounding her. May God comfort you all during this time and know God always seeks the best for us in every situation. Love Judy, Tom, Alyssa, Brianna, Hailie and Trenton

7/7/2016 Ary quezada
New York, New York, USA
My mas sentido pesame para la familia Perez en especial a Pia y hermano asi como a su a padre Juan Perez. Que Dios le de la fortaleza y el consuelo para tan irreparable perdida. El se marcho pero vivira siempre en nuestro corazones.RIP.



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