5/12/2015 Ed Oliver/Bohld
South Boston, MA, USA
As a teenager, in the mid-1950's, I was privileged to be allowed to exercise the Boston Police horses when they were stabled at the former Division 16, in the Back Bay section of Boston. This is how and where I met Paul. Paul, as well as all the mounted men, played an integral role in my upbringing. Paul, significantly so, as he was second in command of the Unit. He, at my request, willingly provided a letter of reference for a job which led to my career with the U. S. Postal Service. I attribute my outgoing personality and my bargaining talents to the observations I made of Paul's personable behavior. The exposure to these officers, horses and their handlers made such a lasting impression on me that, twenty years, thereafter, I was organizing my own auxiliary mounted patrol. My condolences to Paul's surviving family members and fellow friends who all mourn his loss. It has been said that long-term interaction with horses contributes to one's longevity. Paul's 99-year life span is a testament to this belief. May Paul, as well as his deceased family members, whom I knew, rest in peace.

9/24/2015 David Glicklich
Paul was a patient of my dad(doctor). When I was a teenager Paul invited my sister and me to ride on Saturday mornings at the old div 16 stables across from the Pru. He also gave me an autographed first baseman's glove signed by Red Sox 1st baseman Dick Gernatt that I cherished for years. My deepest sympathy to Paul's family and friends. David Glicklich



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