1/14/2019 Henrik Sandell
Wenham, MA, USA

On behalf of my fellow partners at the Common Man Ministry, Joe Rogan and Carmen Canestaro, I offer our condolences and prayers for Tom Phillips' family and for his many faithful friends. We were blessed to be a part of the First Tuesday breakfasts the last several years, and he has left an indelible memory in our hearts and spirits. He has run the good race, and is now at home with the Lord. May his memory last, and may he remain an inspiration in an age that has too few heroes for the Lord. Sincerely, Henrik Sandell, PhD Common Man Ministry

1/15/2019 David Hegarty
Medford, mass., usa

Leaders and men like Tom are few and far between . Sadly missed in todays environment . Tom was and extraordinary role model as an engineer, a leader, and a humble man. Good bless him.

1/15/2019 Jeffrey Duquette
Southwick, MA,

A wonderful friend, father, and Christian. An example for all of us on how to be a good man. Loved him and his gentle manner. My rosary today will be for Tom.

1/15/2019 Tim & Renee Cormier
Merrimac, Ma,

Our sincere condolences to the Phillips Family. This year I will have the pleasure of completing my 35th year at Raytheon. All due to Marylou Shattuck sending my resume to Tom. It really helped having "Referred by Tom Phillips" written on the top corner of my resume. Since starting at Raytheon I've met Tom many times, at work and at the annual Shattuck family reunion in Wolfboro NH. Each time I'd make a point of introducing myself, thanking him again for his referral. He would always remember who I was and always asked how the Shattuck Family was doing. My wife Renee for 33 years, is the daughter of Marylou and John Shattuck.

1/18/2019 Alfredo Sa tana
New York, NY, USA

Dear Debbie, Tom and all family members, I'm sorry about the death of your dad. No words can really ease the loss and emptiness the passing of a loved one leaves. But I'm sure the fond memories you created with your dad and mom will live on and gain strength as you pass them on and on. My deepest condolences. Alfredo

1/19/2019 David H. Ellison
Portola Valley, CA, United States of America

I was a young partner of a San Francisco law firm in the early 1970s, representing one of Raytheon's California divisions in an important litigation. I met Thomas Phillips when he came on monthly visits to that division, and over the course of the litigation, which lasted several years, met with him in many breakfast sessions. Over time, our personal discussions were not only about the litigation, but even more about our common view that moral leadership in government, business and all personal affairs was essential. That was a difficult time in government. We never specifically discussed our common Christian beliefs, but at the heart and soul of every conversation were Tom's humility and morality (the essence of Christianity), and good judgment, which to this day remain as a guide to me, as they have for all of these 45-plus years. The Lord bless and keep Thomas Leonard Phillips, his family, and all of us so profoundly and positively affected by this giant among men and women. David H. Ellison

2/5/2019 bruce cornblatt
closter, new jersey, US

To Debbie: you probably don't remember me but no matter.. we went out a hundred years ago and one day, I had dinner at your Weston house after tennis with you and your parents. I only met your dad that once..but he was great..talked about what i did and where i was going...tho it was clear i wasn't good enough for his daughter..probably right.. i know how close you were then.. I'm sorry for your loss Debbie..he was a memorable guy.. Best Bruce Cornblatt



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