11/24/2015 Natick Visiting Nurses Association
, ,

Our thoughts and condolences go out to the Zicko family. We are truly sorry for your loss.

11/22/2015 John Paul Clark
Framingham, Massachusetts,

Remembering Phil was always nice to see him at the model aircraft flying field. He made miniature radio lapel pins,one of which my father , a WWII air corps veteran, wore on his cap. My dad said it often started conversations. RIP Phil

11/21/2015 Paul Zicko
TEWKSBURY, Massachusetts, United States

Pam, so very sorry to hear about uncle Phil. I hope you are doing the best you can, anything I can do don't hesitate to call. We sure will miss uncle and his words of wisdom and his creations. My Deepest Sympathies, Paul, Patty,Zac, and Dante

11/20/2015 Bill and Debbie Marsh
Bellingham, MA, US

RIP friend - we will NEVER forget all the good times.



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