Dockray & Thomas Funeral Home, Canton, MA 02021


11/3/2014 Dana and Eileen Rappold
Easton, MA, USA
You are with us in thoughts and prayers. Love, Dana and Eileen

11/3/2014 Anita and Larry Johnston
Dedham, MA, USA
We have much love and fond memories of Uncle Bob, now at peace with Aunt Rita and Diane. Remembering all of the enjoyable family get-togethers through the years. Love Anita and Larry

11/4/2014 james pope
lakeville, ma, 02347
sorry to hear of your loss.

11/4/2014 Mary Norris
Stoughtons, ,
To Maryann, Joanne, Kathy , Bobby. And. Families, You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I loved your father very much and am Very blessed to have many fond memories. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. Bless you all.

11/4/2014 Kathy Pernock
South easton, Mass, United States
My dearest pappy, I already miss our everyday morning coffee and conversations. Our routine of breakfast and reading the obits...... I loved how you named your place"Hasenfuss Haven" it warmed my heart that you and mom enjoyed living with all of us!! Your love , humor , and wisdom will stay with me forever! 506 will NEVER be the same! All my love Kathy

11/11/2014 Kenny
, ,
Love and Miss You Pa!



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