12/30/2017 Alice Kim
, RI,
I am grateful to have known Jack. He has helped me to see the full, incredible life behind the patient.

12/30/2017 Karen Davie
Providence , RI,
Jack enriched the lives of so many through his commitment to preservation and mission centered organizations. He always had a kind word and an infectious smile that would light up a room. He will be missed. Women & Infants and Butler Hospitals were enriched from his efforts. My deepest sympathy to the entire Gold family. Former colleague - Karen Davie

12/30/2017 Nancy Tummino Hahn
Midland Park , New Jersey, USA
Sending love and hugs to Jack’s Family And friends. I have such fond memories of visiting The Gold Family in New Hampshire. I remember Jack being so kind, funny and always smiling. I hope you can find peace at this very difficult time. With deepest condolences , Nancy Tummino Hahn and family

12/30/2017 Carol Ross
New Haven , CT, USA
Jack has been a dear friend, wonderful colleague and amazing source of strength me for years. I will miss his zest for life, his optimism, his considerable leadership skills, his genuine kindness, his love for family, his constant and continual support. What joy he found in life! My memories are filled with images of the joy he found in singing with The Salt and Peppers in New Haven and of the vitality that he brought to Board meetings.

12/30/2017 Sandra Goodson
Hamden, CT,
I met Jack when I was an administrator at the School of Management. The School was new and originally had about 48 students, and they were all experienced, bright and full of spirit; ready to change the world. Jack did bring change to so many communities not to mention people’s lives. He was a gentle, soft-spoken giant. He left his mark, and we (I) will never forget him. Rest In Peace Sandi Goodson Former Acting Director, SOM, Admissions, Student Services & Alumni Affairs (‘75-‘83)

12/31/2017 Jackie Parsons
I will remember Jack with a smile on his face and a spring to his step. Upbeat and shining, he will be missed by all who knew him. My heartfelt sympathy to Jack’s family and friends.

12/31/2017 Robert Narracci
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Jack was a kind man and he'll be missed.

KEENE, NH, United States
I was surprised to here of your passing. I always knew you would go along ways in life. We graduated together from Chesterfield Central. Jack was always a gentle soul. I will always remember your kind heart and handsome smile. Spread your wings my friend.

1/1/2018 Carolann Morrissey
Hamden , CT, USA
I worked with Jack in New Haven many years ago. His kindness, his zest for life, and his continued interest in opportunities to make communities stronger were extraordinary. To his family, I send my condolences. Carolann Morrissey Hamden CT

1/1/2018 Brian Sullivan
Providence, RI, United States
I'm a better person for having known you, Jack. Thank you for the friendship. I'll think of you when I swim the Brown pool. Catch you on the other side, brother.

1/1/2018 Jay Margrey
San Francisco , Ca, Us
So sorry to hear of Jack’s was a pleasure to have worked with him in San Francisco...

1/1/2018 Tim Conley
East Providence , Rhode Island, USA
My deepest sympathies to Jack's family on his passing. As his co-worker at Care New England - I greatly enjoyed Jack's energy, wit, and wisdom and I was very fond of him. His impact on all the organizations he was involved throughout his life was a real tribute to the impact he had on people. Jack was a good, decent soul who will be greatly missed. Tim Conley

1/3/2018 Betty Halladay Henry
Brattleboro, Vermont, USA
So sad and shocked to open up the Reformer and read about my old friend, Jack. My thoughts are with you Eileen, Carmela and all your family. I have so many wonderful memories. Very grateful that we got together a few years ago and were able to catch up and take a last ride together in Mary’s old car.

1/3/2018 Adele Cramer
Alexandria, VA, USA
I became friends with Jack in 1978 when we worked together in MS and we remained friends over the years despite geographical distance. I was so happy to have seen him this September when I was passing through Providence. I still tell people about the hilarious practical jokes he played on me and which I fell for every time! In addition to making me laugh, Jack was a valued friend, kind and giving, and way ahead of his timein many things He helped me drive a truck and car to Cincinnati when I left MS, introduced me to NPR (hard to believe that the station I listen to every day, I had never heard of in 1978)and he was the first person I knew to paint his walls gray! (now the in color). There will no be a Christmas henceforth that I will not this of him and miss him. Adele Cramer

3/10/2018 Cheryl Cotterman
Providence, ri, USA
Jack was a dear friend of mine and I am heartbroken at his passing. What a bright light! What a good man! He will be so missed. I would very much like to send his family a note of condolences. If possible, I would greatly appreciate a name and address. You can reach me at my email [email protected]. With heartfelt sadness, Cheryl Cotterman

5/11/2018 Bill Mott
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
My condolences to Jack's family and friends. I can't believe I just learned about Jack's passing today (May 11) and very saddened by the news. Jack was one of those special people whom I didn't know terribly well but connected with a few times over the years in Providence. He was head of PPS at a time when a few of us were helping to renovate a grand local middle school rather than have it razed and built from scratch. Jack's involvement was instrumental in having the city restore that building to its former glory. Last time I spoke with Jack was probably at the Woonie River ride, an annual fundraiser ride through the watershed. He was delightful to talk with as usual, and made me happy that he was again living in Providence (after his time in SF). He's someone I had hoped to keep running into around the city and will miss him.

5/14/2018 Andy Cutler
Washington, DC, US
To a great friend, neighbor and individual. Miss you, Jack. Most of all I will miss our funny conversations about all sorts of stuff. Take good care, pal. Save a seat for me!



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